Tutorials & Technicalities
09 April 2017
Full Bitcoin node on a Raspberry Pi 3 with or without a PiDrive (updated for UASF support)
For a long time the Raspberry Pi has seemed tempting for people who wanted to run a full node on the Bitcoin network because of its smal...
16 August 2015
Measuring Humidity and Temperature Using a Raspberry Pi
I have a collection of old books and a basement to store them in. But in fact, I don't do that yet, because I had a suspicion that s...
04 May 2015
3D Print Your Bitcoin Gear
Click here to order Bitcoin is a pretty cool technology. 3D printing is a pretty cool technology. What does that tell you about combining ...
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13 October 2014
Compile Bitcoin Core on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian)
If you want to run a full node on the Bitcoin network, you might want to do so on a computer that doesn't use so much power and is ver...
12 September 2014
How to keep your SJCX in cold storage using Armory
Counterwallet has a nice feature which lets you keep your private key on an offline computer running Armory, while being able to initiate ...
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